Saturday, September 8, 2007


For the time being, I'm limited to one-word titles to my posts because my words convert to Hindi when I hit the space key. Anyone else having this problem, or is it a sign that I should give up my capitalistic pursuits and move to India? (What I would do there, I have no idea.)

Been having a few weird dreams. Last night I dreamed that I was back working for a most unpleasant woman I'd worked with for too long. I knew during the interview that she didn't like me and was shocked when I got a call back to offer me the job. During the interview she made a few snide comments about the degree I'd just acquired from my well-respected university of choice. That was baffling -- why would someone with a masters degree find that threatening? Regardless, the entire interview was conducted with her jaundiced eye glaring at me. But, my underwear had holes, my husband had a serious illness (and HE was the one with the job!), and we were both on a steady diet of mac and cheese. I bit the bullet and took the job. I made lots of friends for two years at that place (which seemed to drive Most Unpleasant Woman nuts) (forgive me for enjoying that), but when I left I swore I'd never again work for someone I knew didn't like me. Most people like me, so the fact that she didn't spoke volumes.

After breakfast, I had a serious dizzy spell and fell back asleep to more dreams about working with unpleasant people. Probably to be expected; yesterday, the horrible thought that felt as sickening as El Segundo sometimes smells entered my mind that I might have to go back to work in a law firm as someone's bitch, er, secretary. I think I'll be OK as long as I consider those thoughts as a kind of PTSD, flashbacks of traumatic experiences, and strengthen my resolve to work for myself on my own schedule for the rest of my life and make lots of money. From my blog to God's ears. Amen.

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