Saturday, August 16, 2008

Career of the Day: Granola Girl / Art Aficionado

Today, for the first time since the year I moved to Los Angeles, I'm going to the Sawdust Art Festival in Laguna Beach. I'd gotten my first toe ring there, way back when, which I never removed until it cracked apart (it was an actual ring, not a toe "cuff" like most toe rings) eight years later. Tonight, God willing, I will be sporting a new toe ring, one that will stay on me til the day I die. I've never been comfortable with total nudity, so this way I can always be wearing something.

Art is something that resonates with me, but I don't pay nearly enough attention to. Most days, the part art plays in my life is me picking out the *least* ugly piece of office furniture at Office Depot. Being a practical girl, my tastes in art lean toward a more crafty or mixed media take on things. I crochet scarves. (Very practical in Southern California!) I like recycling. I like Van Gogh, but I think it was tragic he wasted so damn much paint (have you ever seen his stuff? The paint's, like, three inches thick!). I think he would have been more of a conservationist if his brother wasn't footing his paint bill.

But, I digress. As usual.

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